How many Teams should I set up?

Do I need Teams? How many Teams do I need?

Skai Dalziel avatar
Written by Skai Dalziel
Updated over a week ago

To keep things simple, you don't want to set up more Teams than needed.

No Teams - Personal Account

If you will be the only gift sender of the company, you don't need to setup any Teams (learn who to load as Team Members). 

Single Team

If you'll be deciding on the spending budget for each Team Member, then you probably only need a single Team. Here's an example:

  • Your company has 15 Key Department Managers

  • Each Key Manager has ~10 Employees in their Department

  • Setup up a single Team with 15 Key Managers as Team Members

  • Fund your Team Account with ~$1500/wk, and provide each Key Manager with ~$100/wk Access to Team Funds for sending gifts to their high performing employees 

  • Not all Employees would receive gifts evenly, but if they did, it would work out to ~$10 per Employee/wk

  • This simple program will empower your Managers to create a culture of recognition at your organization and inspire great employee performance!

Multiple Teams

Here are some of the scenarios for why you might want to consider setting up more than one Team:

  1. If you have separate budgets for various programs, and you'd like to keep the reporting completely separate e.g. Milestones Awards Team v.s. Peer to Peer Recognition Team.

  2. If your organization has various locations, and each location has it's own Director e.g. Regional Director, who should oversee the activity in their own region but not the activity in another.

For the first scenario, you can put the same few Team Members on each Team, and they can then select the Account they would like to use when Sending Gifts to pull funds from that Team.

However, this can also be done by using a single Team, and setting up some Recipient Notes to track costs centres, so gift senders just select the cost centre for each gift when they are Sending Gifts.

For scenario two, a common use case would be if you'd like to delegate the Team Admin responsibilities, e.g. the ability to set Team Member spending budgets, access to Team-wide reports, etc. to each location's leader, while still being able to oversee and have control over the program organization-wide.

A sample organization structure might look like this:

  • Your organization has ~12 Key Directors

  • Each Key Director has ~8 Key Manager direct reports (each with $400/week recognition budget)

  • Each Key Manger has ~40 Employees reporting to them (320 total employees)

For a Spot Recognition Program where budgets are allocated managers to send gifts to their direct reports, you might set up the following account structure:

  • Set up up a Team for each Key Director, with the 8 Key Managers uploaded Team Members under each corresponding Team (you and the Key Director can both be Team Admins so they can set spending budgets and you can access Team Reports)

  • Transfer ~$3200/wk to each Team for the Key Directors to allocate budgets to their Key Managers for sending gifts

    • Two options for Directors to allocate that budget to their Managers:

      • Option 1: turn ON "Access to Team Funds" for each Key Manager under the Teams > Manage Funds > Access to Team Funds section, and set a $400/wk spending limit for each Manager. Set this up once and it's on auto-pilot.

      • Option 2: Transfer funds from Team Balance to each Manager's Member Balance on a weekly basis.

Additional notes:

  • With the above example, it's likely that employees would not receive gifts all at the same pace, but if they did, it would be ~$10 per Employee/wk.

  • The above example can easily be applied to a monthly, quarterly, or annual budget, depending on what frequency works better for your program and your Accounting team.

  • This simple program will empower every one of your Directors and Managers to create a culture of recognition at your organization and inspire great employee performance, while giving program admins and main stakeholders the ability to oversee activity and monitor participation rates :)

Add a Shoutouts Team

If you'd like to setup a monetary or non-monetary peer-to-peer recognition program, it makes sense to set up a separate Team with all employees added as Team Members. For monetary programs, you could then provide every employee with a small budget for sending gifts. For non-monetary or mixed use programs, you could activate Shoutouts so employees could make non-monetary nominations for any of their colleagues and/or send out monetary gifts. 

As the Team Admin, you use the Shoutouts reports to see all Shoutouts and then send Guusto gifts as participation incentives. Check out this article for ideas on adding incentives to boost your program to participation!

In addition, you can give certain Key Managers permissions to see all Shoutouts and empower them with budgets for sending gifts.

To learn more about Shoutouts, click here!

Still have questions or would like more guidance? 

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