How do I upload a list of Team Members?
Emma W. avatar
Written by Emma W.
Updated over a week ago

1. Login to your account

2. Navigate to Teams > Manage Members (you'll need to first create a Team)

3. In the drop-down menu in the header, select your desired Team

4. Select Upload List

5. Download the template spreadsheet (do NOT change the column headers).

6. Fill out or paste in Team Member details on the spreadsheet.

The following fields are required for each Team Member

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

See field formats below (if a field is left blank, the setting will remain the
same for existing Team Member, or default to first listed option for new Team Member):


Alll fields are required

First & Last Name

Full name of the person you plan to send gifts to. ex. John Doe


Email of the person you plan to send gifts to. ex. [email protected]


All fields are optional

Employee Number

Fill with the employee's ID or employee number - Used in reporting and to allow targeted notifications to managers.


Enter the employee's working location - Used in reporting and when filtering section of the platform.


Enter the employee's department - Used in reporting and when filtering section of the platform.

Manager Number

If the team member has a manager, enter the manager's employee number - Used in reporting and to allow targeted notifications to managers.

Admin Notes

Enter any notes about this employee for your own records. - Used in reporting and when filtering sections of the platform.

Cost Centre ID

Enter the ID of the cost center the team member belongs to. - Used in reporting and to define cost center budgeting groups.

Cost Centre Setting

Enter 1, 2, or 3 to set the cost center permissions of the team member. - Enter 1 if the member should only be able to access their own cost center's budget, Enter 2 if the user should be able to access their own cost center budget and any other cost centers budgets for members who report up to them, or 3 for if the member should be able to access all cost center budgets.

Start date

Fill with a date. (YYYY-MM-DD) Required to schedule automated milestone awards.


Fill with a date. (YYYY-MM-DD) Required to schedule automated birthday awards.


Fill with ON or OFF. - Used to define whether the user should be able to access the team or not and to deactivate team members who are on leave.


Fill with ON if the member is an admin. - Leave blank if the user is not an admin for your team. Turning ON will give them access to all admin sections and features.

Profile Photo

Enter a link to an image file, like - Populate user profile images in the platform.

Additional Data Fields

Fill with employee data. - These fields can be used to save any additional team member data that is desired in reports. Refer to Teams > Settings > Advanced Reporting to match the custom fields to the column headers in the CSV file.


All fields are optional

Manage Members

Fill with ON or OFF. - Enabling will allow the member to add/edit and remove team members and team member data in the Manage Members section of the platform.

Manage Funds

Fill with ON or OFF. - Enabling will give this person access to editing team funds and member balances for other members.

Manage Gifting

Fill with ON or OFF. - Enabling will grant access to the team's gift reports.


Fill with ON or OFF. - Turning on will grant the member access to team settings.

Manage Shoutouts

Fill with ON or OFF. - Enabling will grant access to the teams nomination box reports and settings.


Fill with ON or OFF. - Enabling will grant access to the team's billing and subscription information.


All fields are optional

Public Gifts

Fill with ON or OFF. - Turning on will allow gifts to be viewable by the entire team in the recent activity feed.

Public Shoutouts

Fill with ON or OFF. - Turning on will allow shoutouts to be viewable by the entire team in the recent activity feed.

Can Make Shoutouts

Fill with ON or OFF. - Enabling will allow the member to shoutout other team members.

Can Receive Shoutouts

Fill with ON or OFF. - Enabling will allow the member to receive shoutouts from team members.


All fields are optional

Access to Team Funds & Limits

Fill with ON or OFF. - Enabling will give the user the ability to access team funds for gift sending.

Total Budget

Fill with a Numeric value Ex: 100 - Setting a Total budget will limit the total amount the member is able to spend.

Quarterly Budget

Fill with a Numeric value Ex: 100 - Limit the spending ability of the member over a 3 month period.

Monthly Budget

Fill with a Numeric value Ex: 100 - Limit how much the member is able to spend each month.

Weekly Budget

Fill with a Numeric value Ex: 100 - Limit how much the member is able to spend each week.

Min Per Gift Limit

Fill with a Numeric value Ex: 100 - Setting a per gift limit will restrict the amount the member is able to spend on an individual gift.

Max Per Gift Limit

Fill with a Numeric value Ex: 100 - Gifts above this value will require an admin's approval.

Gift Value that Requires Approval

Gifts above this value will require an admin approval.

7. Select the upload type:

Only add Members

  • Add any new Members from the file not already on the Team

Update file with new changes

  • Update existing Team Members with data from the file

Delete/deactivate members

  • Deactivate any existing Members with Account Activity listed in the file

  • Delete any existing Members with no Account Activity listed in the file

Override existing Team with new list (learn more)

  • Add new Members from the file not already on the Team

  • Update existing Team Members with data from the file

  • Deactivate any existing Members with Account Activity not listed in the file

  • Delete any existing Members with no Account Activity not listed in the file

8. Select the anchor. The options are either Employee Number or Email. This data field is used to match data in the upload with existing Team Member data. This is usually data that rarely updates. If there is a match, the Team Member will be updated with any new data.

9. Save the spreadsheet as a .csv file, then upload it by clicking Upload.

10. Review how many Members will be added or overridden, then click Confirm.

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