Welcome to our article on the Budget Allocation Condition Builder! This helpful tool is designed to assist you in managing your budget allocation. Please note that in order to access it, you will need to be an Admin.
What is it?
The Budget Allocation Condition Builder is a tool designed to allow Admins to create and implement personalized budget allocation strategies using their own employee data to define who on their team receives access to team funds. Through this feature team admins can select specific criteria such as employee position, department, location, to create budget allocation rules that the Guusto system will apply automatically to members of their team.
Why should you use it?
Customization and Flexibility: The Condition Builder empowers you to tailor budget allocation strategies according to your own unique organizational needs. The condition builder ensures that budget allocation aligns precisely with your program design and business objectives by allowing you to define your own allocation criteria!
Hands free maintenance of employee budgets: By automatically applying the budgets defined by you, the Condition Builder eliminates the manual effort historically shouldered by team Admins for budget allocation. Additionally, if you utilize HRIS integrations you can now operate fully hands free with budgets automatically getting applied to new team members as they are added to the team via the integration.
How does it work?
The condition builder is nested within Teams > Admin > Manage funds > Access to Team funds and Limits > Set up budget conditions. Budget rules are created using IF/THEN statement logic, where you can specify a condition (IF) and then define the outcome (THEN) that should occur when that condition is met.
For example, you may set a condition such as IF department is equal to “Marketing” THEN allocate a $50 fixed sum per month.
If Statements (Used to define the employee group receiving a budget)
Criteria selection: You can include any employee data attribute they have saved on their team in their if statement. Individual values can also be selected.
Operators: You can apply 3 different operators to their if statements.
IS - This operator is used to check if selected data values match a specific condition. For example, if you have a field named "Sub-division" in the team member table and you want to give budgets to all team members where the Sub-division is "Human Resources", you would use the "IS" operator to specify that condition.
IS NOT - This operator is used to check if selected data values do not match a specific condition. For example, if you have a field named "Employment type" in the team member table and you want to give budgets to all team members where the Employment type is not "Internship", you would use the "IS NOT" operator to specify that condition.
ANY VALUE - The "ANY VALUE" operator is used to check if a team member has any value saved for a particular attribute. This operator is useful when you want to include all team members in a rule regardless of what their individual value is for the selected attribute. For example, if you wanted all employees to be eligible for a budget rule you could use the position attribute with the ANY VALUE operator to include all employees with a position.
Adding multiple conditions: Multiple conditions can be applied to the same rule using the + Add Condition Button (AND operator only). When multiple conditions are included in the same rule, employees must meet all conditions in the rule in order to have the budgets defined in the then statement applied.
Then Statements (Used to define the spending limits of the employee group)
Per direct report: The condition builder can be used to allocate budgets per direct report. This is a variable amount that takes into account the number of direct reports that an employee who meets the criteria for the condition has in the system. When a per direct report amount has been saved into a rule, the system will multiply that value by the number of direct reports that an employee has in the system and will calculate the appropriate amount to save for the employee. This feature can be used in combination with fixed amounts (See more below)
Example: Jack has 2 direct reports (Jamie and Jane)
A rule containing a per direct report amount of $25 is saved with a monthly frequency, Jack will have $50 saved into his monthly access to team funds the next time the rule is run.
Fixed Amounts: The condition builder can be used to allocate fixed amounts. Fixed amounts are static values that do not change employee to employee.
Example: a $100 monthly budget.
Frequency: You can choose the budgeting period for their rule using the frequency field. Options include Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly. For example selecting a Monthly frequency in a rule will mean the budget defined in the then statement is written into the monthly access to team funds fields when the rule is run.
Per Gift Limit: You can set up per gift limits using the condition builder. Employees with per gift limits set up will be restricted from purchasing gifts above that value.
Gift Value Requires Approval: You can save values that require approval into their rules. Employees limits that require approval will need an Admin to approve their orders if they exceed the value saved in this field.
Saving Rules: You can save and edit multiple rules.
Rule Conflicts: Rules can come into conflict with one another when the criteria used in one or more IF statements results in an employee meeting the criteria for multiple rules. When this occurs the Guusto System will display a warning message that there may be a conflict in the rules you have created. Rules will continue to run as normal when there are potential conflict.
When are the rules applied?
Currently saved rules are run at 5:00pm PST every day.
What plan does this feature belong to?
Can rules be set up in different currencies?
Yes! There is a currency selector in the condition builder.
Does this feature work with preloaded recipients?
Yes! The budget rules will account for preloaded recipient direct reports as well as team member direct reports when totalling a per direct report budget.