Please note: automation is an Essential Tier feature. Contact the Guusto team to upgrade your account or learn more.
While Automated Awards are available in CAD and USD, only one currency can be applied on a per Workspace basis.
Automated awards help make your employees feel appreciated on their service milestones and birthdays!
Never miss a milestone with manager notifications and automated shoutouts and gifts. Here is the step-by-step process for creating automated awards.
1. Make sure that recipients have their start dates and/or birthdays entered.
Skip to step 2 if this information is already inputted.
There are two ways to edit start dates and birthdays, depending if your recipients are Preloaded Recipients or Workspace Members.
Edit Preloaded Recipients with the following:
Click on Workspaces > Settings
Navigate to Preloaded Recipients from the header tab
Click on the Edit user icon from the right side panel
Enter the birthdate or starting date by scrolling down the page
Save changes
Edit Workspace Members with the following:
Click on Workspaces > Manage Members from the left side menu
Navigate to the user you'd like to edit in your list
Click on the three dots icon under actions
From the drop-down menu, click Edit
Enter the birthdate or starting date
Save changes
2. Navigate to Workspaces > Settings > Automated Awards.
Click on Workspaces to expand the drop down menu.
Click on Settings, then the Automated Awards page.
This section is where you can set up, monitor, and edit all of your automated awards.
3. Click on the "New Automated Award" button at the top left of the page.
4. Select the type of Automated Award you would like to send.
Guusto Gifts are monetary awards and Shoutouts are non-monetary tokens of appreciation.
Select a reason.
5. Customize your automated award
In the following window, you may set the parameters for your automated award. You can set the cadence based on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly schedule.
Recipients will receive their automated award at approximately 1am PST the date of their birthday, onboarding milestone, or work anniversary.
You may add a message, value (for monetary gifts only), image, PDF attachment, sender name, and more.
6. Set manager notifications and click "Create"
Managers may be notified on the day of the event or a customizable number of days before the milestone. Confirm all settings before selecting "Create".
7. View, customize, and activate your Automated Awards.
You can see the award type, and choose to send it to Workspaces Members, Pre-loaded Recipients, or both.
Recipients will receive their automated award at approximately 1am PST the date of their birthday, onboarding milestone, or work anniversary.