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Getting Started with Gifting
Noah Reid avatar
Written by Noah Reid
Updated over 3 months ago

This article provides a quick overview to help you Get Started with Gifting.

Profile Setup

Customize your profile to fit your preferences. You can setup a profile picture, alternate name, default messages for gift sending and more!

The Dashboard provides an overview of your account's activity. Your account activity consists of gifts and shoutouts sent out by you. On Team accounts, the activity on the Dashboard may also include gifts and shoutouts sent out by your Team Members.

Fund Account

You can load funds into your Personal Account using bank transfer, wire transfer, email transfer, or credit card.

Send Gifts

Send a Test Gift
This is a great way to quickly see how things work before you are ready to send a real gift.

You can send gifts from your computer by logging in to the web platform.

Note: If your company has firewalls preventing employees from viewing websites, get your IT department to allowlist and domains.

If you'd like more information about allowlisting - here is an article outlining all allowlist details!

​Manage your Sent Gifts

The Order History page under the Gift Reports section acts as a command centre to track and control all your sent gifts.

Redeem Gifts

No app required! The recipient simply enters/clicks the URL link sent to them in order to redeem their gift through the web platform on their phone or computer.

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